WELCOME to the home page of the THE BEAGLE  NEWS.  The goal of this on-line publication is to provide up to date information about beagles.  The SHOW  RESULTS section will list wins by Beagles in conformation.   The reports will be categorized by month and country.  The Champions Portfolio section will provide pictures and pedigrees of past and present beagles.This section is about any beagle that has received a title. Conformation, agility, obedience, etc. 

    Each section will offer additional information about beagles for all beagle exhibitors, breeders, or simply beagle people.  Please take a few minutes and look over this site.  It is still under construction but any suggestions for improvement are welcomed. 

    Sections for field beagle events are being planned  and also for any "Beagle in the News".

    We hope you enjoy this publication and send in those show results. ( see forms section )

           The editor-Darlene Stewart 

        This site provided courtesy of SanDar Designs

    Copying  any part of this site is prohibited without written  permission from the editor.